Thursday, June 9, 2022

Natural and hand made things(grade 3)

  Natural and Man-Made Things

lesson objectives

at the end of the lesson every child should be able to,

  • define natural and man made things after the teachers explanation in their own words/understanding
  • list tales 10 examples of natural and man made things respectively.
  • differentiate between naturally  living things and non living things  with two examples

Activity (Individual)


  • This particular activity is to further enhance, consolidate your knowledge and check your level of the content knowledge.
  • So in order to attempt the activity, one must click on the link enumerated below, where it will direct you to activity.

  • amid the activity I will move around the groups ensuring that every individual is contributing to their respective groups.

follow up
  • after all the individual students are done with their  write up and findings, I will randomly ask/pick few member from each group to present their understanding to the whole class.

  • now to conclude the lesson lets recapitulate what we have covered so firstly I want one of you to share me what you have learnt from todays session. After their sharing  I quickly take them through the lessons learnt a moment ago and right after this i will conclude the lesson.

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Natural and hand made things(grade 3)

  Natural and Man-Made Things lesson objectives at the end of the lesson every child should be able to, define natural and man made things a...