Thursday, June 9, 2022

Natural and hand made things(grade 3)

  Natural and Man-Made Things

lesson objectives

at the end of the lesson every child should be able to,

  • define natural and man made things after the teachers explanation in their own words/understanding
  • list tales 10 examples of natural and man made things respectively.
  • differentiate between naturally  living things and non living things  with two examples

Activity (Individual)


  • This particular activity is to further enhance, consolidate your knowledge and check your level of the content knowledge.
  • So in order to attempt the activity, one must click on the link enumerated below, where it will direct you to activity.

  • amid the activity I will move around the groups ensuring that every individual is contributing to their respective groups.

follow up
  • after all the individual students are done with their  write up and findings, I will randomly ask/pick few member from each group to present their understanding to the whole class.

  • now to conclude the lesson lets recapitulate what we have covered so firstly I want one of you to share me what you have learnt from todays session. After their sharing  I quickly take them through the lessons learnt a moment ago and right after this i will conclude the lesson.

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Floating and sinking.

 Class: IV

Subject: Science
Topic: floating and sinking. 

lesson objectives

After the voiceover lesson each and every students should be able to,

1/ define floating and sinking in their own words after the lesson

2/ carry out experiment on floating and sinking

3/ know at least 20 things that floats and sinks in water after the session.

This voice over presentation will be used to teach the concept of floating and sinking. Integration of ICT in classrooms will add variety in lesson delivery making teaching and learning more effective. 

How did I create this voice-over ppt? 

- In my laptop, I directly went to Microsoft office and opened PowerPoint. 

- Then I started making PowerPoint presentation on this topic. 

- I inserted presentation background one after another. 

- Then I began inserting texts, related pictures, tried out putting shapes. 

- After that my presentation was completed.

- Then I planned to record my presentation using the record feature in the laptop. 

- I recorded the slides so that it will help learners understand the concept. 

- After recording, I exported my presentation into a video. This feature was there in the laptop. 

  • After this session you are going to carry out an activity in a group and after the activity there are few questions that you need to answer.
  • so click the link below to take you to the activity.

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Animal kingdom

Domestic and wild animals


After the video lesson a child should be able to, 

1/ define animal on their own
2/ differentiate types of animals 
3/ list animals that falls under the mammal category after the video lesson


After carefully watching the video uploaded on the topic domestic and wild animals, students will instantly attempt the quiz by clicking on the link given below. This quiz is to check how much you have learned by watching the clip. Further you will be graded on the particular quiz you have attempted.

  • here is the link provided for the quiz.

click here for the quiz..

How I created the quiz?

I used Google Forms to create this quiz. It is one of the full-featured tool that comes free with our Google account

This is done mainly to check learners understanding on the topic. It will also help them to understand the topic better. Further more, this activity will keep them engaged. It has multiple choice questions, short answers, ang long answers types based on the topic. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Video with integrated ppt on solar eclipse

solar eclipse.

Class: IV
Subject: Science

objectives of the voice over lesson 

after the voice over lesson a child should be able to, 

1/ explain solar system in their own words after the teachers explanation

2/ define the word eclipse in their own understanding

3/ how shadows are formed and differentiate between the types of shadow. 

How did I create this voice over ppt? 

- In my laptop, I directly went to Microsoft office and opened PowerPoint. 

- Then I started making PowerPoint presentation on this topic. 

- I inserted different presentation background one after another to attract my learners. 

- Then I began inserting texts, related pictures, tried out putting shapes. 

- After that my presentation was completed.

- Then I planned to record my presentation using the record feature in the laptop. 

- I recorded the slides so that it will help learners understand the concept. 

- After recording, I exported my presentation into a video. This feature was there in the laptop. 

so finally this video is the output.


after finishing with the content sharing from the voice over lesson you will do a activity by clicking to the link provided below,

Monday, April 11, 2022

Weather and it's types(class 3)


Weather and its types.

It is a mix of events that happen every day in our atmosphere. Every day we experience a multiple types of weather in a particular day. Sometimes we experience the same weather almost for a week, for instance experiencing incessant rain for straight 1 week. So in order to understand and know more about the various types of weather, watch the video provided below and try to note down types of weather that you see from the video that I have uploaded.

Through this short video clip, learners will be able to
✓ define weather in their own words
✓ differentiate five different types of          
    weather correctly and 
✓ list at least 2 features of five different    
    types of weather

This particular video clip will be used before, during and after the lesson delivery to teach the concept of weather and its types. 


quiz for the day

  • To further enhance your learning and consolidate your knowledge i have a quiz for you as an activity.
  • For the activity (quiz) you can click on the link provided below and subsequently attempt the content.

Natural and hand made things(grade 3)

  Natural and Man-Made Things lesson objectives at the end of the lesson every child should be able to, define natural and man made things a...